Frendy Priandi

About me

⌨️ Senior Software Engineer
📍 Live in Sydney, Australia
🧑🏻‍💻 Working for Isentia Pty Ltd


2018 - to Date

Senior Software Engineer

Isentia Pty Ltd |

Part of isentia engineering team involved in building the next generation of isentia platform from scratch. Building design system, manage component codeartifact, and monorepo.
Tech stack: Angular, Typescript, Javascript, OpenSearch, Vega chart, Puppeteer, and AWS.

2014 - 2018

Software Engineer

Traveloka |

Part of Traveloka Frontend Engineering Team, involved in building a new feature such as flight seat selection, promo date picker, marketing page, migrate search result page to react app.
Tech stack: React, Javascript, AWS.

2013 - 2014

Assosiate Software Engineer

Jatis Mobile |

Part of Jatis Mobile engineering team, building web application and web service for new SMS broadcast system as well as mobile IOS and android development.
Tech stack: CakePHP, JQuery, Bootstrap, MySQL, Native Android, Native IOS